Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Life Is Strange: Episode 5 Theory

The Importance of the Butterfly Photo

(Spoilers ahead!)
I've been thinking about what could possibly happen in the final episode of Life Is Strange and all my ideas have come to one conclusion so far. It has to do with the butterfly photo Max took in the first episode which was followed by the event of Max discovering her powers. I think that is photo has a lot more importance then just a simple photo of the butterfly.

Now, many people have speculated that Chloe has to die in order to stop the tornado from coming to Arcadia Bay. This is in relation to chaos theory, one of the sayings are "A flap of a butterfly wing can cause a tornado further down the line." What if it isn't referring to the actual butterfly in Life Is Strange but to Chloe. Maybe her living after that day is the theoretical "Wing Flap" which causes the tornado.

I have no concrete idea on how Max would figure this out in order to realise she has to go back and let her best friend die. However, in light of her new ability to jump back in time through photos, she has a path back to the exact moment when she would have to let Chloe die. When she took the butterfly photo. Big question, where is the photo now?

In episode 1, when Chloe is looking at all the photos Max took that day, she comes across the butterfly photo and realises that Max saved her life in the toilet. A few moments later, Max tries to fix her original camera but cannot. Chloe then offers to give Max William's camera. In exchange, Chloe takes the butterfly photo. So, Chloe has the butterfly photo. There is further proof throughout some episodes because Max is given the opportunity to look through Chloe's jacket and look through her wallet. In the wallet she finds a photo of Rachel Amber and the butterfly photo next to it. Max states "It's so touching that Chloe would put my photo right next to Rachel's." This can be seen in episode 3 and 4. So up until episode 4, Chloe still has the butterfly photo in her wallet, which should be in the jacket she was wearing when she gets shot at the end of episode 4.

Before she gets to Chloe's body, Max will need to escape from Mr Jefferson. Again, I am unsure how Max will do this because in the episode 5 teaser, Mr Jefferson is about to inject her with more drugs which will not allow her to use her powers effectively or at all for a certain amount of time. She may have to endure the torture that Mr Jefferson puts her through and then rewind when she gets the chance. Maybe someone comes to rescue her? I am totally unsure but I am quite sure that the
butterfly photo has a greater significance to the progression of the story.   

That's my theory so far. I don't claim this to be true, it is just a theory and I am hoping that Episode 5 brings a satisfying and question answering conclusion to the entire story. I'm positive that the creators of Life Is Strange will not disappoint us because they haven't disappointed us yet with the story so far.

Hope you enjoyed reading about my theory and Happy Gaming!   

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